Discover your potential!
Stephanie Ferretti is an expert in personal growth.
She is a german psychologist and psychotherapist, who lives in Las Palmas and helps you to live a happier and healthier life!
“Stephanie has great human skills, as well as professional. I went on a beautiful journey with her and I am really very satisfied. I highly recommend Stephanie to anyone who needs to make a change in their life.”
Luana Gualdi (Designer)
About Stephanie
Certified Hypnotherapist and Psychologist
Stephanie Ferretti (née Groitzsch) is a clinical psychologist and certified hypnotherapist with over 10 years of experience in the field of mental health. Her passion is helping people lead more fulfilling and happier lives through hypnotherapy.
In the beautiful surroundings of Clinic Laurisilva in Las Palmas, she offers you a safe and supportive space to address your personal challenges and experience positive changes.
Psychological Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy is an effective method for overcoming deeply rooted patterns and blocks. Here are some of the most common issues Stephanie can help you with:
- Stress management: Find your inner peace and calm.
- Weight reduction: Support your body in achieving a healthy weight.
- Smoking cessation: Break free from nicotine addiction permanently.
- Anxiety management: Overcome fears and phobias.
- Sleep improvement: Enjoy restful sleep and wake up refreshed.
- Self-confidence and self-worth: Strengthen your self-confidence and inner resilience.
Qualified Training in Psychology and Hypnosis
- Graduate clinical psychologist, graduated with distinction
Psychology studies at the Technical University of Dresden
and the University of Potsdam (2009) - Psychotherapist and consultant/IFW
Four-year advanced training at the Institute for Systemic Training and Development, IF Weinheim - Practitioner for psychotherapy
Certified by the Health Office Berlin - Training in Hypnosis (Certified by Jan Becker and Alfred Himmelweiss)
- Hypnosis Master, Solving Fears, Non-Smoker-Hypnosis, Loosing weight. Methodology: Milton Erickson, Dave Elman, NLP (Alfred Himmelweiss)
- Integrative Learning Therapist
Certified by the Professional Association for Integrative Learning Therapy Berlin
Advantages of this therapy
Highly effective therapy
- Very high success rate of 90%
- Experienced psychologist: more than 10 years of experience as a therapist
- Special expertise in anxiety disorders: over 500 successfully treated clients with anxiety disorders
- Fast and lasting help: phobia resolution in an average of 5-10 sessions
- Absolute privacy
- Scientifically recognized methods
- Receive an appointment at short notice
- Support between sessions
- No confrontational exercises
Quality Certificate
Awarded by Germany’s largest doctors’ portal
Transparency is important to us. Here you will find an overview of services and prices:
- Initial phone consultation (30 minutes): €39
- Individual hypnotherapy session (90 minutes): €200
- Package of 3 sessions: €550 (You save €50)
- Package of 5 sessions: €900 (You save €100)
What Stephanie’s Clients Say:
EXCELLENT Based on 14 reviews Melanie W.31 May 2022Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. Ich habe seit meiner Kindheit an Skin Picking an meinen Fingern gelitten und wirklich alles versucht, um mir das abzugewöhnen aber dadurch, dass ich das immer unterbewusst gemacht habe, war das total schwer gewesen, weshalb ich mich erstmals für eine Hypnosebehandlung entschieden habe und da auf Stephanie Ferretti gestoßen bin. Nach der ersten Hypnosesitzung hörte das sofort auf und ich hätte echt niemals gedacht, dass das bei so einer langen Gewohnheit so schnell funktionieren würde. Ich war anfangs auch erst unsicher, ob eine Onlinehypnose überhaupt funktionieren würde und ich war echt positiv überrascht! Es geht ja an sich sowieso um das Gehörte, daher funktionierte das genauso wunderbar. Vor allem, wenn man das über Kopfhörer macht, dann hat man auch weniger Nebengeräusche. Stephanie Ferretti ist wirklich unglaublich kompetent und super freundlich, ich habe mich bei ihr sofort mega wohlgefühlt. Ich bin ihr wirklich so unendlich dankbar, dass sie mir so gut helfen konnte! Armin Albers6 January 2022Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. Stephanie Ferretti hat mir geholfen meine Angst vorm Erbrechen zu überwinden. Schon nach der 1. Sitzung habe ich eine Veränderung gemerkt. Stephanie ist nur zu empfehlen, sie schafft es nicht nur die Angst zu lösen, sondern arbeitet auch mit der Hypnose um sämtliche Gründe und/oder "Triggers" für die Angst herauszufinden und zu lösen, was für mich einen positiven Effekt nicht nur bezüglich der Angst, sondern auch in anderen Lebensbereichen hatte. D MB14 November 2021Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. Wir sind mit unserer 8 Jährigen Tochter zu Frau Ferretti. Unsere Tochter hatte extreme Angst vor Blutabnahme. Durch Hypnose und Frau Ferretti's sehr nette und ruhige Art hat unsere Tochter ihre Angst überwunden. Wir waren jetzt schon 2 Mal zur Blutabnahme seid der Therapie und es hat sehr gut geklappt. Lieben Herzlichen Dank! Annalisa A19 October 2021Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. Mi sono rivolta alla dottoressa Ferretti in un periodo della mia vita pieno di cambiamenti in cui necessitavo di sostegno per superare alcuni blocchi che mi portavo da parecchio tempo. Ho trovato una professionista piena di competenze e passione che affianca alla psicoterapia anche la pratica dell´ipnosi, una pratica che non avevo mai provato prima e sulla quale avevo molti dubbi, ma che si é rivelata uno strumento molto valido che la dottoressa Ferretti utilizza con successo come supporto aggiuntivo. Sono molto contenta di averla conosciuta e di aver aiuto il suo prezioso aiuto. L´empatia, la gentilezza e la disponibilitá che ho trovato in lei sono doti uniche e per nulla scontate in un terapeuta. Mi sono sentita accolta e ascoltata come paziente e come persona, non posso che raccomandarla a chiunque senta la necessitá di rivolgersi ad una psicologa. Valentina Scipione2 February 2021Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. Stephanie Groitzsch Ferretti is a great professional. I grew a lot during the therapy time with her and I even had an epiphany which changed my approach to relationships and therefore my life. Also I had never had hypnosis before and she took the time to explain all the steps and made me feel comfortable. My overall experience with Stephanie was excellent and I wouldn’t think twice going back to her if I would need therapy again in the future. Jennifer Cook21 December 2020Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. Ich habe mich wegen meiner Emetophobie bei Frau Ferretti in Behandlung begeben, da mir meine Hausärztin sagte, dass dies das wirksamste Mittel wäre. Dabei hatte ich bisher keine Berührungspunkte zur Hypnose. Da ich so unbedarft an die Sache herangegangen bin, war ich auch extrem überrascht, welche Erfolge ich bereits nach der ersten Sitzung spürte. Inzwischen hat bereits eine zweite Sitzung stattgefunden, die die Ergebnisse noch vertieft hat. Ich kann es auf jeden Fall weiterempfehlen. Frau Ferretti hat auf eine sehr sympatische und einfühlsame Weise dazu angeregt, seine eigenen Reaktionen und Handlungen zu reflektieren und bewusst darüber nachzudenken. Ich bin sehr froh, mich zu diesem Schritt entschlossen zu haben :) Anna P.15 December 2020Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. Die Hypnosetherapie von Frau Ferretti hat mir geholfen, mein Skin Picking (Aufkratzen der Haut) in den Griff zu bekommen. Nach jahrelangen Versuchen damit aufzuhören habe ich es jetzt endlich geschafft, und meine Haut sieht von Tag zu Tag besser aus! Ich konnte schon nach einer Sitzung einen deutlichen Erfolg sehen. Vielen Dank dafür 🙂 Luna Gualdi3 July 2020Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. Stephanie has great human skills, as well as professional. I went on a beautiful journey with her and I am really very satisfied. I highly recommend Stephanie to anyone who needs to make a change in their life. Aurora Ciocchetti21 June 2020Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. Ich habe mich entschieden, Hypnose anzufangen, weil ich abnehmen wollte, aber emotional hatte ich Hindernisse. Dafür habe ich Frau Stephanie Ferretti als Therapeutin gewählt, die wirklich eine zuverlässige Person ist, die man vertrauen kann. Die Praxis ist sehr gemütlich und ich habe mich sofort wohl gefühlt. Gemeinsam haben wir einen Weg genommen, der fürs Leben ist !! Ich bin mit Ihrer Arbeit sehr zufrieden. Auf dem Weg haben wir gemeinsam beschlossen, mein Ziel zu bereichern, um andere Hauptemotionen wie Ärger oder die Notwendigkeit, klare Grenzen zu setzen, auflösen zu können. Dann kam mir der Gedanke, dass ich alles schaffen kann. Ich bin überrascht und begeistert über die plötzliche Veränderung, wie in der Lage zu sein, der Stimme in meinem Kopf zu folgen, die sagt, was mir wirklich ein gutes Gefühl gibt. Mein persönlicher Weg ist schwierig zu gehen und die Ergebnisse werden in naher Zukunft vorhanden, aber jeder um mich herum hat die Ruhe bemerkt, die endlich in mein Leben zurückgekehrt ist, . . . und wir alle profitieren davon ;D Was die Ernährung betrifft, eine sofortige Änderung!!! wirklich erstaunlich,. . . Also kann ich nur sagen, danke für Ihre wertvolle Hilfe und danke mir, dass ich Sie gewählt habe, Sie war die richtige Person!!! Sicher empfehle ich Sie gerne weiter! Chiara Antonelli4 May 2020Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. Ho conosciuto Stephanie esattamente un anno fa per motivi diversi dalla psicoanalisi e dall'ipnoterapia. Non avrei mai immaginato che alcuni mesi dopo il nostro primo incontro avrei vissuto uno dei momenti più brutti della mia vita dal quale temevo di non riprendermi più e che avrei trovato in lei l'aiuto di cui avevo bisogno. Il bisogno di guarire mi ha spinto a rivolgermi a lei senza alcun timore ma solo con grande fiducia, speranza e curiosità. Fin dalla prima seduta sono rimasta soddisfatta e ho notato un importante miglioramento. L'ipnosi è un'esperienza unica e indescrivibile... Non ci sono aggettivi adatti a descrivere pienamente le sensazioni che una tale esperienza mi ha fatto provare né tantomeno è facile descrivere Stephanie... Lei è semplicemente una persona fantastica capace di creare un rapporto al tempo stesso intimo e professionale. La sintonia che si crea è unica. Sentirsi a proprio agio a parlare dei propri problemi e delle proprie paure, anche le più intime, non è facile eppure con lei non ho avuto problemi fin dal primo istante. Disponibile, attenta, sensibile e capace di fornire i giusti input per fare delle sue sedute il punto di partenza di un importante percorso interiore. L'esperienza dell'ipnosi è stata per me un'esperienza di vita fin dalla prima seduta. Credo che sia molto importante mettere da parte ogni scetticismo e lasciarsi andare ad un'esperienza che può davvero renderci persone migliori. Naturalmente è fondamentale avere pazienza e non avere fretta nel vedere risultati immediati. Si fanno piccoli passi seduta dopo seduta e più passa il tempo più si vive l'esperienza dell'ipnosi in modo profondo. Grazie a Stephanie ho piano piano vinto i miei "mostri", superato attacchi di panico, ipocondria, paure per il futuro, affrontato un passato da dimenticare e rafforzato la mia autostima. Grazie Stephanie...sarai sempre il mio punto di riferimento a Berlino.
Overcoming Panic Attacks
“I came to Stephanie because of panic attacks, and from the very first moment, I felt extremely well-advised and cared for. A lot of time was dedicated to understanding my situation and finding the root cause. After just two sessions of hypnosis combined with talk therapy, I no longer experienced panic attacks. It was truly life-changing. I can only recommend Stephanie!”
Overcoming Panic Attacks
“I still draw strength from the hypnosis sessions with you. I tell people at every opportunity how much you helped me, how much of my inner strength was brought to the surface… the whole experience was incredible. My time with you was my salvation, nothing more, nothing less. Yes, I’m doing well. Sending you all the best!”
Overcoming Panic Attacks
“Dear Stephanie, thank you, thank you! I think of you often. I’m doing great, happy with an amazing boyfriend, and I’ve got an internship abroad. I highly praise hypnotherapy (and of course your excellent work).”
Overcoming Fear of Animals
“Dear Mrs. Ferretti, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Now, I can not only touch animals but also pet them. The heart palpitations, sweating, and the urge to run away are almost gone. As a family, we take every opportunity to go to the petting zoo. I can’t express my gratitude in words. With your support, I’ve conquered my fear. THANK YOU.”
Conquering Exam Anxiety
“Hello Stephanie, The exam was quite exciting :), something went wrong at the beginning, but I kept going and passed the exam. I even got a job offer from one of the examiners :). Thanks a lot for the hypnosis, I believe it really helped me stay calm and, most importantly, to just keep going. Best regards.”
Overcoming Fear of Vomiting
“Stephanie Ferretti helped me overcome my fear of vomiting. After just one session, I noticed a change. I highly recommend Stephanie. Not only does she help resolve the fear, but she also works through hypnosis to identify and address any causes or triggers for the fear. This had a positive effect not only on my fear but also on other areas of my life.”
More Calmness Instead of Fear
“She is simply a fantastic person, able to create both an intimate and professional relationship. The empathy she establishes is unique. It’s not easy to talk about your own deepest problems and fears, but I had no problem doing so with her from the very first moment. Stephanie is present, attentive, and sensitive, providing the right guidance to make her sessions the starting point of an important inner journey.”
Conquering Anxiety and Panic
“From the first session, the hypnosis experience was life-changing for me. Thanks to Stephanie, I conquered my ‘monsters,’ boosted my self-esteem, and overcame panic attacks, hypochondria, and fears about the future and the past that I wanted to leave behind.”
Conquering Stage Fright
“Dear Stephanie, The film shoot went super well! I felt comfortable the whole time, and I was so calm it was almost spooky! 😀 So, a thousand thanks to you once again!! Best regards, and have a great weekend.”
More Calmness Instead of Fear
“Stephanie has a positive and friendly demeanor, and I immediately felt a sense of trust with her. As a result, I had no hesitation in talking about my problems. The hypnotherapy helped me manage my fears better and gave me a greater sense of calm.”
No More Fear of Flying
“The first flights after the hypnosis were already more relaxed! I was less nervous. With time, it’s getting even better! Finally, I can sit by the window and look outside. Today, I even looked out during takeoff! And for the first time in a long while, I read a book again. I think it’s a very effective form of support!”
Overcoming Fear of Flying
“I got through the flight just fine. I was able to enjoy it and relax again and again. It was a wonderful experience! Best regards,” K. (First flight after 15 years of fear of flying)
Overcoming Driving Test Anxiety
“I had no anxiety during my driving test. The exam went great, and I passed. Best regards.”
Conquering Emetophobia
“Mrs. Ferretti helped me tremendously with my emetophobia. I felt very comfortable with her and can only recommend her.”
Overcoming Public Speaking Anxiety
“Hi Stephanie, Thanks a lot. The presentation went well, and at some point, I even felt really relaxed, took a break, and drank some water. Thanks again!!!”
Professional and Empathetic
“She is simply a fantastic person, able to create both an intimate and professional relationship. The empathy she establishes is unique. It’s not easy to talk about your own deepest problems and fears, but I had no problem doing so with her from the very first moment. Stephanie is present, attentive, and sensitive, providing the right guidance to make her sessions the starting point of an important inner journey.”
Trust, Hope, and Curiosity
“In Stephanie, I found the help I needed. The desire to heal pushed me to turn to her without fear and with great trust, hope, and curiosity. Since the first session, I have been satisfied and noticed significant improvements. Hypnosis is a unique and indescribable experience… there are no appropriate adjectives to fully describe the feelings I experienced.”
Calm, Focused, and Attentive Approach
“Stephanie Ferretti quickly identified where I needed support during our conversations and addressed various topics with hypnosis in the following sessions. Every session was extremely helpful, solidifying my decisions and motivating me to take action. I appreciate Stephanie Ferretti’s calm, attentive, and highly focused work. In my eyes, she is incredibly professional.”
Empathetic, Friendly, and Competent
“I found Mrs. Ferretti to be a very empathetic, friendly, and competent person. It’s evident that she continuously educates herself and stays up-to-date with the latest studies and scientific findings. The hypnosis sessions greatly supported me and helped me navigate and overcome my life crisis. I am very grateful I found Mrs. Ferretti online. Her empathetic nature creates a very warm, non-judgmental, and heartfelt atmosphere. I can wholeheartedly recommend Mrs. Ferretti and her skills as a psychologist.”
Contact and Appointment Scheduling
Ready to take the first step towards a better life?
Contact Stephanie today to schedule an initial consultation and discover how hypnotherapy can help you.
Sessions are held at the Integrative Medicine Center “Clínica Laurisliva” with health registration number 7235, in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
Call: +49 170 9960620 or +34 600 316 879
Or fill out the form:
Online Hypnotherapy
Experience the power of hypnotherapy from the comfort of your own space with our online sessions. Through secure and convenient virtual platforms, you can access transformative hypnotherapy sessions from anywhere in the world. Whether you’re at home, traveling, or simply prefer the convenience of online sessions, you can still embark on your journey towards holistic wellness with ease. My online sessions offer the same level of personalized care and effectiveness as in-person sessions, empowering you to achieve your goals from wherever you may be.
Start your transformative journey.
“Stephanie Groitzsch Ferretti is a great professional. I grew a lot during the therapy time with her and I even had an epiphany which changed my approach to relationships and therefore my life. Also I had never had hypnosis before and she took the time to explain all the steps and made me feel comfortable. My overall experience with Stephanie was excellent and I wouldn’t think twice going back to her if I would need therapy again in the future.” – (Valentina Scipione.)